GOLISCH Stefanie



German – > Italian
Italian – > German
English – > German

Stefanie Golisch was born in 1961 in Germany. Since 1988 she lives in Italy. Writer, translator and literary critic. She studied German literature in Bonn and Hannover. In 1987 she took her master’s degree and in 1991 her PhD in contemporary German literature. From 1995 to 2003 she taught German literature at the University of Bergamo. Since 2009 she is member of the literary blog www.lapoesiaelospirito.wordpress.com. Since 2009 she is also member of the Pen Center of German Speaking Authors Abroad and of Writers in Prison. Essays and reviews in literary magazines and anthologies. Novels, poetry and translations into German and Italian in books and magazines.  Latest publications: Terrence de Pres, Il sopravvivente (Mimesis, 2013. Translation), Ferite. Storie di Berlino (Edizioni Ensemble, 2014), Fly and Fall (Culicaedae Press, 2014), Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Wie man die Frauen verführt (Matthes und Seitz, 2015. Translation), Anstelle des Mondes (Pop Verlag, 2015), Postkarten aus Italien (Edition FZA, 2015), All of us can fly. From Kafkas world (Culicaedae Press, 2018), Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Die Manifeste (Matthes und Seitz, 2018. Translation), Rachel Bespaloff, Ilias (Matthes und Seitz, 2019.Translation).