Laura Accerboni was born in Genoa in 1985. Her poems have been published in several Italian and international magazines, among which Nuova corrente, Poesia, Steve, Capoverso, Italian Poetry Rewiew, Gradiva, Loch Raven Review, and Kluger Hans. She has published two poetry collections: Attorno a ciò che non è stato (Edizioni del Leone, 2010) and La parte dell’annegato (Nottetempo, 2016). Laura is the recipient of many literary awards, notably the Lerici Pea giovani (1996), Piero Alinari (2011) and Achille Marazza Opera Prima (2012). Her poems have been translated in several languages and she has been an invited poet to international festivals, such as Poetry International Rotterdam (the Netherlands); Felix Poetry Festival (Belgium); Struga Poetry Evenings (Macedonia), Poetas D(in)versos (A Coruña, Spain), Festival Babel de littérature et traduction, Chiasso Letteraria, Internationales Literatur Festival Leukerbad and Poestate (all of which in Switzerland), Poetry on the Road (Germany), and 10Tal / The Stockholm Poetry Festival (Sweden). In 2017, she presented her research work to the Universities of Cork and Dublin. She has been one of the poets selected for the Versopolis project, promoted by the European Union, since 2016.

Fulvio Caccia is a poet, essayist and novelist who lives in the Paris region. He has published five novels including La Coïncidence (Guernica, 2005) and Un été catalan (Balzac, 2018); the short story collection Golden Eighties (Balzac, 1994); and six poetry collections including Aknos (Guernica, 1994, honoured by the Canadian Governor General’s Literary Award), and Italie et autres voyages (co-published by Noroît/Bruno Doucey, 2010). In 2018, he published the essay Diversité culturelle : vers l’état-culture (Éditions Laborinthus). He is one of the founders of the transcultural journal ViceVersa, and director-founder of l’Observatoire de la diversité culturelle.

Monique Calinon, a full-qualified Modern Literature teacher (undergraduate degree in Classical Literature, Master’s in Modern Literature on Marivaux), is now curator at the Bibliothèque nationale de France in charge of French Literature collections (Middle Ages -19th century), after many years spent in the audiovisual department. At the time of the BnF-François-Mitterrand project, she was in charge of literary collections from across the French-speaking world. She has directed literary and poetry review Linea. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the French PEN Centre (and deputy treasurer) where she is active in several committees: Writers for Peace Committee, Women Writers Committee, Linguistic Diversity Committee, etc. She is vice-president of the Association des Bibliothèques gourmandes and of the magazine Papilles. She also has a national mandate at French librarians association ABF for the Special Libraries and University Libraries Committee. Lastly, she is president of the Ensemble Amarillis (baroque music) in residence in Angers.

Born in Quebec, Marianne Corvellec learned to read, write, and count in Italian, while her family lived in Tuscany. Academically speaking, she studied natural sciences, earning a PhD in statistical physics (École normale supérieure de Lyon, 2012). She thus writes scientific papers, technical documentation, and computer code. From 2018 to 2021 she lived in Milan, Italy, where she started literary translation. She has translated the essay by philosopher Diego Fusaro Mondialisation malheureuse: Onze thèses philosophiques sur le faire-monde du marché (Éditions Ovadia, 2021). She has been involved in community work since she was a teenager. From 2015 to 2020, she was a board member of April, the leading Free Software organization in the French-speaking world.

Born in Milan, Romeo Fratti is a French-Italian literature teacher, cultural journalist, literary translator, public writer and actor. He is fluent in French, Italian, English and German, and currently edits reviews for the following magazines: La République des Livres, Vice Versa Online and Toutelaculture.com. He also manages the blog «Fragments», hosted by the website Le Monde.fr. As a translator, he worked with two publishing houses, Dargaud and Portaparole. His short literary radio programmes were broadcasted by France Culture. In April 2017, he launched his own literary webradio, called Broutage de feuillets.

Mia Lecomte (Milan, 1966) is an Italophone French poet and writer, based in Switzerland. Among her most recent publications are the poetry collection Lettere da dove (2022), the short story collection Cronache da un’impossibilità (2015) and the children’s book Gli Spaesati / Les Dépaysés (2019). Her poems have been translated into several languages and appear in Italy as well as abroad in numerous poetry magazines and anthologies. Collections of her poetry have been published among others in English (For the Maintenance of Landscape, 2012; Home is what is left, 2022) and French (Là où tu as ton corps, 2020. Prix Khoury Ghata 2021). A translator from French, Mia Lecomte is especially known as critic and editor in the field of transnational literature, in particular poetry, to which she dedicated the essay Di un poetico altrove. Poesia transnazionale italofona (1960-2016) (2018) and various anthologies. She is on the editorial board of the journal of comparative poetry Semicerchio, the Indian literary magazine The Antonym and is a contributor to Italian edition of Le Monde Diplomatique. She is the founder and a member of the poetic theatre ensemble Compagnia delle poete.

Davide Napoli, a writer and visual artist, listens to the lightning forms of thought, through the ‘in-tensions’ of Indian ink and writing. His research on the gesture of emptiness and on time explores the fall and the vertigo of meditation as a science of the intimate. Doctor in Philosophy and in Arts and Sciences of Art, he teaches Plastic Arts at the University Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne and Methodologies and techniques of the contemporary at the School of Fine Arts in Palermo, Italy. He is a member of the research team Art Sciences and Society (ACTE Institute, Sorbonne). He has been publishing for years with Éditions Transignum and Éditions Unicité. Latest publications: The lapsus de l’ombre (Unicité, 2020) et Intragème (Transignum, 2021, with a writing and music score by Jean-Yves Bosseur).

Maria Grazia Negro, born in Bressanone, is a researcher in Comparative Literature with 20 years experience in teaching in foreign universities (Casablanca, Salzburg, Istanbul). Now she teaches in the High School Dante Alighieri in Bressanone. Her main research interests are in Postcolonial and Transnational Literature, in Cultural and Diasporic Studies, in Artistic and Literary Imaginary. Her most important publications are: La spina nel cuore: La figura di Margarete Maultasch tra Otto e Novecento (1997, co-authored with B. Ricci, S. Antonello); Nuovo Immaginario Italiano. Italiani e stranieri a confronto nella letteratura italiana contemporanea (2009, co-authored with M. C. Mauceri); Il mondo, il grido e la parola. La questione linguistica nella letteratura postcoloniale italiana (2015). She is an editorial board member of Sinestesie Publisher, and reviewer of Novecento transnazionale. Letterature, arti e culture / Transnational 20th Century. Literatures, Arts and Cultures. She has worked on the promotion of literary events abroad.

Gioia Panzarella specialises in migration literature in the Italian language. In 2018, she will complete a PhD at the University of Warwick (United Kingdom) with a thesis entitled Disseminating Migration Literature: A Dialogue with Contemporary Italy. Since 2007, she has worked as journalist, copy editor, and content manager for newspapers, publishers, and web agencies. She edited Madrigne in un’unica partitura (Ledizioni, 2015), by the Compagnia delle poete. In 2016, she coordinated the project «Collaborative Translation: A Model for Inclusion», in collaboration with Monash University (Australia). Since 2011, she has taught Italian as a foreign/ second language in Italy, Austria, and the United Kingdom.

Sarah Ventimiglia, born in Venice, lives between Paris and Marseille. She holds a doctorate in Italian Studies from Sorbonne Nouvelle University (Paris 3), with a dissertation on the relationship between poetry and prose in the work of Cesare Pavese. Teacher of Italian in France, she has translated contemporary poetry into both Italian and French including the work of Ghérasim Luca (Poesia, 2016) and Gabriella Maleti (Les cahiers d’Eucharis, 2016). She also contributed to the French translation of Giacomo Leopardi’s Canzoni (Paris, Le Lavoir Saint-Martin, 2014). In 2016, along with Mia Lecomte and Giovanni Solinas, she organized and led the conference Che lingua sei. Diversità, passaporti, identità: la poesia italiana contemporanea in una prospettiva transnazionale plurilingue (Italian Bookshop La tour de Babel, Paris)

Patrick Williamson was born in Madrid and lives near Paris. He has a BA in European Studies from UEA, Norwich, UK, and a diploma in Sub-editing and design from the London School of Journalism. He is a part-time lecturer on a Master’s degree in Translation à ESIT, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, but works primarily as a translator in the financial services sector. He is a poet and a literary translator, and has published a dozen works. Latest collections: Nel Santuario (English-Italian, Samuele Editore, 2013), Gifted (Corrupt Press, 2014), Tiens ta langue/Hold your tongue (Harmattan, 2014) and Beneficato (English-Italian, Samuele Editore, 2015). He is the editor and translator of The Parley Tree, An Anthology of Poets from French-speaking Africa and the Arab World (Arc Publications, 2012), and translated notably Tahar Bekri, Gilles Cyr, Guido Cupani and Erri de Luca.